Friday, July 8, 2011

The Big Bamboozle

I'm so sick and tired of people blaming Unions and working people for the woes of the country.  "Those State workers get too many perks, look at all those benefits!"  Ok, back the truck up a second.  Let's look at the perks that CEO's and executives get, shall we?  Better across the board! I'd also like to bust the myth that CEOs and executives "deserve" their money.  "Hey, they worked hard to get there, maybe if you worked harder, you'd be a success too."  The implication, of course, is that if you aren't at the top of the food chain, then you just weren't smart enough, or didn't work hard enough, which is a tuna barrel full of shit.  Luck and connections have much more to do with success than any intellect, or training, or hard work.

"Unions are ruining America, why can't these people be competitive and work for a regular wage like everyone else."  Yeah, there's an idea, strip away ANY shred of protection the average worker has.  And please, I don't want to hear how the government has in-place fail safes to protect workers.  really?  So, when a major corporation, let's say GE, fires a worker for no reason, they can literally keep throwing lawyer after lawyer at the poor schlub until he can't afford them anymore.  All legal, all legit.  I'm tired of Joe Schmoe getting shit on while the cat's ass sits in the corner office counting his wads of worthless paper, laughing at the punchline that is his employees.

Don't be a minion, wake up!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My first post!!

Ok, so I'm no literary powerhouse.  I'm just a frustrated guy that wants to get shit off his chest in an anonymous way.  Welcome to the internet, land of anonymous juggernauts. I'm going to be writing in a very straight-forward way, so if this offends you... fuck off, I don't care, I'm nebulous and there are no repercussions.  I'm going to eventually touch on a bunch of topics over time that bother me, like hero-worship, lack-of-respect... actually, most everything bothers me, so it's nice to know I have such a cornucopia of options.  A blank slate, if you will.

Have fun... or don't I don't care which, just keep following me.